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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was an American politician, author and engineer. He is best known today for his political writings, which were of great importance to the development of American democracy. In his writings, Franklin grappled with the challenges of the time and pointed out ways in which America could find its way to a better future.

Franklin had a very impressive resume: he was born the son of a carpenter and began his career as a cartographer aboard a ship sailing to the West Indies. After coming ashore in Philadelphia, he and some partners started a ship routing company. Through this company he had access to the best information about trade in the Northeast and was able to get rich very quickly.

But Franklin was not only a gifted businessman - he was also an outstanding politician. In the 1750s, he joined the Pennsylvania colonial legislature and made rapid progress there. Soon after, he was made governor of the state, where he continued to show great commitment to improving the lives of the people of Pennsylvania.

In the last years of his life, Franklin devoted himself primarily to science. He developed new methods to reduce fire hazards in cities and drew up the first plans for a river and canal system in America that would enable people to get from A to B more quickly.


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