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Branding options

In this tutorial, we would like to show you how to use the branding options in sproof sign.
Philipp Gernerth
Updated on 23.07.2024

References from the video and further links:

Step by step instructions

  1. Optional: Domain-specific branding
    If you use sproof sign with multiple domains, you can set here whether you A) want to use the same branding for all domains (wildcards) or B) want to set different branding for different domains.

  2. Company name
    Enter the name of your company here. If you are the administrator of a plan, the name will of course also be used for your plan members.

  3. Icon
    Upload an icon of your company. If you or your plan members have not set a profile picture, the icon will be used by default.

  1. Company logo
    The company logo is placed prominently on all outgoing emails and creates trust and recognition value.

  2. Color
    You can customize the system colors for your sproof sign account to match your company's CI. The primary color is used for the most important buttons and graphic elements. A light color is recommended to ensure legibility. The secondary color is used for secondary buttons and less important graphic elements. The secondary color should be less conspicuous than the primary color. The defined colors are also used for all buttons in all your emails (invitation to signature) if you have activated email branding. See last point.

  3. Background login / home page
    A convincing background in sproof sign can give you pleasure yourself or show your "corporate identity" at this point for company-wide impact. We recommend a high-resolution image.

  1. Email branding
    If you activate email branding, all branding settings including colors and company logo will be prominently placed in all outgoing emails, ensuring trust and recognition. As an admin, you can also define standard texts for the email subject and the email text. These texts are used by default for all team members, but can be overwritten by them.