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The introduction of the digital signature

There is hardly a company, regardless of size or industry, that does not benefit or would not benefit from the introduction of digital signatures.

This guide is intended for business people who want to save resources in the European legal area with the help of digital signature workflows.

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We do not want to make any compromises when it comes to storing sensitive documents. This data should be stored 100% in Europe. In our view, sproof meets these criteria by explicitly selecting data centers that are independent of US corporations.

DI (FH) Alexander Sellner, Head of IT at the Federal Accounting Agency

Find out more about the #1 all-in-one signature platform from Europe.

Arrange a personal appointment (30 min)

We will evaluate your use case together. Learn all about the potential of a digital signature workflow in your company.

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An entertaining webinar for all your questions

In an interactive online session, we explain the most important use cases of the electronic signature. The best place for your questions.

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Request short demo video (4 min)

Want to get a first impression? Verena from the sales team knows how to present our all-in-one platform for digital signing in a nutshell.

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sproof sign is the highest-rated provider in the e-signature category on the independent evaluation platform OMR Reviews for Q3 and Q4 2023, as well as Q1 2024.