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Integrate the digital signature into your digital application.

Multiply the added value of your application by integrating the legally valid digital signature including the best usability.

Offer the digital signature and become the all-in-one solution

Do you offer a digital tool that makes life easier for your customers? In a short conversation, we can find out whether the digital signature can extend these benefits even further.

Easiest integration into your application with perfect support

We love good cooperation and are quick and flexible when it comes to setting up a meaningful partnership.

Design our platform according to your appearance

We integrate not only our tool, but also your individual branding and CI. Your users will feel "at home".

Lawyers sign with sproof.

Lawyers trust sproof. Advokat is the leading software for lawyers who prefer to manage their files digitally and intelligently. Thus, the functionality and the added value of the platform eum was improved another big step.
We love exciting synergies!
Get to know & evaluate
Proof of Concept
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sproof sign is the highest-rated provider in the e-signature category on the independent evaluation platform OMR Reviews for Q3 and Q4 2023, as well as Q1 2024.